TRAIN Projects
Translational Research Projects in the TRAIN Network

In the area of TRAIN Projects, individual researchers from our partner institutions implement translational projects within the TRAIN network. Behind every TRAIN Project there is a scientific question. The TRAIN Project uses (or promotes) the infrastructures of the other TRAIN platforms and the TRAIN network. The TRAIN network is the basis for cross-center and cross-disciplinary research proposals and creates connections that are only possible through close and personal networking at all levels - from the heads of the institutions to the postdoctoral researchers in the laboratory.
Translational projects due to shared infrastructure
TRAIN Projects are created, for example, through innovative links within the technology platform TRAIN Omics: the unmanageable volume of data that is inevitably generated by Omics analyses creates a high demand for new approaches to meaningfully evaluate this data. This goes far beyond the established bioinformatics approaches and links scientists from different disciplines in new creative big data approaches. These approaches are fed by TRAIN Omics - but the collaborative scientific processing of these data generated by the TRAIN Omics platform is again a TRAIN Project: a translational scientific project within the TRAIN network.
Value chain within the network
TRAIN Projects can also be research structures that did not come into being through the joint use of an infrastructure or its connection, but which arose from a scientific question or a medical need. Ideally, this will result in a network of research partners, technology platforms, individual third-party funded projects and corporate structures that as a whole represent the translational development of a drug, a vaccine or a diagnostic tool. These numerous individual components are then combined in a TRAIN Project to form a clear translational overall performance.