Translational Alliance in Lower Saxony
A platform for biomedical research in our region

The Translation Alliance in Lower Saxony is a network of institutions for biomedical research and development in the Hanover-Braunschweig-Göttingen region, funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture. With TRAIN, the research institutions of the region have created a common platform that serves the goal of transferring new therapies and diagnostics for the treatment of infectious diseases from research to clinical application. Each of the TRAIN partners covers a part of this translational development chain with his or her expertise. The cooperation within TRAIN enables the transfer of projects through the individual stages of development. The platforms on which the TRAIN partners work together are:
- the TRAIN Academy, which currently offers a comprehensive continuing education program and advanced courses for translational scientists in order to strengthen translational expertise in the region and to network the next generation;
- TRAIN Omics, an association of Omics technologies in the Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen region, in order to give due consideration to the rapid development of technological developments and to provide the region's researchers with the latest technologies for their science;
- the TRAIN Projects, under which regional research projects are bundled, which on the one hand are particularly translational and on the other hand take place in cooperation with TRAIN partners.