Das Netzwerk für Omics-Technologien im Bereich translationaler Gesundheitsforschung in der Region Hannover - Braunschweig - Göttingen
In a unique network, TRAIN Omics bundles the expertise and know-how of non-university and university research institutes in the Hanover-Braunschweig-Göttingen region in the area of "omics technologies".

This will enable concerted collaboration between researchers, clinicians and data scientists across locations, which will sustainably contribute to unlocking the full potential of omics technologies to improve health research and care. Especially in the light of rapid technological development, this cooperation model offers the opportunity as a community to remain permanently competitive nationally and internationally in the field of molecular health research and to provide researchers in the region with the most modern omics technologies as well as associated know-how in the field of bioinformatics data analysis and management for cutting-edge research.

High-throughput technologies (“omics” technologies) such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics have become increasingly important in all areas of health research over the last two decades. This is primarily due to the fact that these technologies can provide comprehensive information about cellular processes such as the interactions between the genome, RNAs, proteins and metabolites as well as their effects on health and disease (systems biology/systems medicine).
Omics technologies therefore offer the potential to holistically understand clinical pictures at a molecular level and thus sustainably improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, especially with a view to establishing personalized medicine.